Baja Clavius Evades Comparison

Baja Clavius: Moon Men Deep Inside

Written and Illustrated by Madeira Desouza

…more than out of this world – it evades comparison

Baja Clavius: Moon Men Deep Inside is a queer science fiction novel (science fiction by gay men for gay men) about a time travel agency code named Moon Men Deep Inside (MMDI) located beneath the crater Clavius on the moon.

This is similar in storytelling style and tone to the works of Russell T Davies (Cucumber and Banana, Doctor Who and Torchwood on the BBC), and, to the works of author Christopher Trevor.

Not Like Any Storytelling You Have Experienced

In this novel you will experience radically different storytelling from standard cause-and-effect fiction. One recent comment about my stories says it clearly: “Your kind of stories are truly not found elsewhere.”

Set a few hundred years from today, Baja Clavius transports you to a world not like our own. Gay male time travel agents are valued for the work they do. These time travel agents are doing noble work that they believe will save our species. However, in the real world in which we presently live, the time travel agents’ behaviors would be considered immoral and illegal. Is the future of the human species worth using immoral and illegal behaviors?

Baja Clavius: Moon Men Deep Inside truly is unlike other storytelling you may have experienced. You will be unable to set this science fiction time travel adventure down once you start reading it! Visit the dedicated site at

Author: Desouza

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